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They don’t call me the queen of self care for nothing…

Not only have I healed my physical body of illness, but I have healed many of the deeper layers of trauma and suffering that kept me unwell, insecure, and stagnant.

Regardless of life’s ebbs and flows, I continue prioritizing self care to tend to both my light and my shadow. Self care is the anchor that brings me back into my body and reconnects me with my inner child so I can thrive with playfulness, creativity, and confidence.

Herbal Support

Wise women know that plants play a vital role in health and wellness. Mamapachamama offers a variety of organic, small batch, thoughtfully crafted skincare and supplements. These products are curated for women seeking deep nourishment devoid of toxins, preservatives, or fillers.


Have you checked out The Mamapachamama Podcast?

Join me as I share stories and insights about motherhood, holistic health, spiritual growth, self mastery, personal sovereignty, and self love. You can listen here on my website, or subscribe to The Mamapachamama Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.


For a long time, folks have been wearing copper for its healing benefits. Copper is a high vibrational metal. It’s ability to ground, heal, and protect are well known in the spiritual community. Copper invites cleansing energy and dispels negative energy. If you are tuning in, going inward, or integrating your third eye, it is a wonderful adornment to use on your body. Regulate and align with the magical powers of this magnificent metal.

I’ve been drawn to copper jewelry for many years. I have more copper jewelry than any other kind and absolutely adore the rough and raw aesthetic. I use 99.9% pure copper made in the USA. My jewelry pieces are intended to be simple, slightly adjustable and slightly crooked 😉



Vivian McKinnon, Founder & Owner


Welcome Sister! My name is Vivian and I am here to inspire you on your journey of self-empowerment and healing.